oh I would love to slap the smirk off Betty’s face. I really would. how dare she! I’d suggest he password protect his phone and then check for hacking regularly.
I don’t think she needs to be slapped but he shouldn’t need a reminder to say those three words. Maybe turnabout is fair play here, he can put the same app on her phone. I notice she didn’t say it back.
scrabblefiend almost 12 years ago
It’s about time someone had an app like that. Maybe that’s the only way she gets him to say those 3 little words.
crystalwizard almost 12 years ago
oh I would love to slap the smirk off Betty’s face. I really would. how dare she! I’d suggest he password protect his phone and then check for hacking regularly.
alondra almost 12 years ago
I don’t think she needs to be slapped but he shouldn’t need a reminder to say those three words. Maybe turnabout is fair play here, he can put the same app on her phone. I notice she didn’t say it back.