Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for April 11, 2013

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    Holy opossum factoids, Super Cartoonist!

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    Bob.  almost 12 years ago

    Why do they play dead in the road? Don’t appear to be cornered there

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    vwdualnomand  almost 12 years ago

    in the south, them is good eatin’

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    Pickbrain  almost 12 years ago

    They stuffed Henry James after he died. A lot of people thought he was more animated (and a better writer) than he was when he was still alive.

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    DAVID ROBERTSON  almost 12 years ago

    Bit difficult to stuff ashes. “…he died in London on 28 February 1916. He was cremated at Golders Green Crematorium and his ashes are interred at Cambridge, Massachusetts.”

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    magicwalnut  almost 12 years ago

    That’s exactly what happened to my BFF. Only with pigs. and to my neighbor, with roosters. Both of them absolutely hate their collections, but have to display them in case their donors arrive unexpectedly. Only thing I collect is dust….

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  7. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 12 years ago

    I like opossums. they kind of look like giant rats, and are very gentle pets, but they don’t live very long. go see the Opossum Lady! She is very funny!

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