The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for April 19, 2013

  1. 170
    finale  almost 12 years ago

    Look up Joy. The Express lane is closed. Go back and get your scented tissue or even better; take some of her things out of her cart when she isn’t looking!

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  2. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  almost 12 years ago

    Wow. The pot calling the kettle black. I’m so sorry that they had to put back their scented tissue—it looks like they’re still buying the “Scatt Tissue.” I wonder what scent that might be, could it be— “Nature’s Own?”

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 12 years ago

    No, Burl, only you still stand up in the carts, when Joy forgets to put your safety strap on.

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  4. Cat29
    x_Tech  almost 12 years ago

    Nose ClipAvailable at your local Brain Bleach or Hardware store

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    X_Tech is displaying the very effective Crustwood Model nose clip…. otherwise known as XTI CW 4325.

    It will do away with very strong odors emanating from Burl, Joy, Dale, and most other Crustwood residents.

    If visiting areas where Jerry may be present, I recommend purchasing the coordinating plastic seals, CW 4325 JS

    I would also like to point out that for those live UPwind only of Crustwood, and who feel uncomfortable or apprehensive about wearing a 23 oz metal clip, we have available the light-weight and more attractive XTI 1770, with built-in padding and a custom fit:

    It IS, however, a lighter duty model and will NOT shield the wearer from all odors in the proximity of the Penny or Shemp households.

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  6. Img 0562
    loveslife  almost 12 years ago

    The scented tissue probably cost .10 more than the harsh regular tissue. The express lane is closed. I assume Burl counted all the items in the ladies buggy? They are nosy people of course, Looking to see what other people buy so they can keep up with the trend. After all they have no real up to date friends to keep them in the know.

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  7. Tvman
    gmforde  almost 12 years ago

    Hey! Need brain bleach! Stat! lol

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  8. Curly pres
    jmcx4  almost 12 years ago

    The 15 item lane always catches me. I come up to the check-out with more than the 15 items. No one else is anywhere near the check out. The cashier says, I’ll check you out, don’t worry about the number of items. First item scanned, problem. By the time I get checked, there are 6 folks behind me juggling their 10 items each, looking at me like they smell cat mess.

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  9. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Love the old fashioned cash reqister… No scanning in this club…. ! !

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  10. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Actually…. It’s Scatt Tissue.. !.

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  11. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 12 years ago

    I wish I had a photo of the mask I was issued at Zenith (for all the fumes I was exposed to when working on the ventilation in production labs). Naturally, workers there wore none (OSHA only required safety glasses). One of my many beefs with some large corporations. I guess everyone needs to take responsibility for their own health, but . . . they could have posted all the product safety sheets.

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  12. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 12 years ago

    Oh, and even in my case, it was up to me to keep the specific filters for each type of contaminant up to date in my mask.

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