Fred Basset by Alex Graham for April 12, 2013

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    alondra  almost 12 years ago

    Where everybody knows your name.

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    Simon_Jester  almost 12 years ago

    Word to the wise, Fred. DON’T shake.

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    hippogriff  almost 12 years ago

    As Eric Nichols said in his classic book on Vancouver: If it starts to rain, don’t duck into a doorway for shelter – you will still be there five days later.

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    terek  almost 12 years ago

    Since when does the health department allow non-service animals into restaurants or bars?!?

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    cbrsarah  almost 12 years ago

    @terekIn Britain, they aren’t as germaphobic like here in the States. It makes for better dogs all around as they are more sociable around people and dog strangers besides the ones they know.

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    sfb5761  almost 12 years ago

    The Brits and Scots allow dogs into their pubs.

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    hippogriff  almost 12 years ago

    truecanadianliberal: It is easier to get out in the clear days between snows, or even when it is snowing, than in a continuous drizzle-druzzle, thus encounter a larger population for longer periods. This affects the amount of time for contagion. In the summer, there is the massive amount of beaches and the accompanying cleansing ultra-violet light. Then too, and I can provide no documenting evidence, the best doctor I ever had in my life was there. No sentimental pictures of a doctor by a child’s bedside on his waiting room wall – just copies of tables of contents of medical journals which had published his research.

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