Monty by Jim Meddick for April 19, 2013
Don't bother struggling... That weed whacker cord is Kevlar composite! I see your plan: once you destroy all the lawn equipment on earth, you'll be the only one with tools to provide lawn care! And all charge astronomical prices! But join me, Captain, and all offer you a discount! Thanks but no thanks, Thorax! But Cap'n! 35% off!! Thorax Landscaping 35% off Read the fine print, Nuclei Boy. Expires 4-7-13 Holy consumer fraud! Curse you and your magnifying goggles! Thorax Landscaping 35% off
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 12 years ago
Its clearly April the 7th :)
frumdebang almost 12 years ago
The Mexicans have this date business figured out pretty well so there’s no confusion between day and date. The month is always in Roman numerals. Thus, today is 19 IV 13. Bien hecho.
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The Japanese (and unix) have it right.I’m writing this at 2013/4/19 04:18:35
opentomeet almost 12 years ago
That’s so the US visitors don’t get confused and overstay their welcome!! 8^)
SwimsWithSharks almost 12 years ago
Actually, Monty is authoring a compelling storyline here. Holy cliffhanger!
/or, mailbox hanger
steverinoCT almost 12 years ago
There is actually an ISO adopted date format:YYYY-MM-DD, which as BlackKnight15 notes will sort properly..…and this comic actually made me laugh, which doesn’t happen often.
Wenthral almost 12 years ago
4Apr13 Can’t screw that up.
StevenHCarter almost 12 years ago
I suppose it’s hard to make every day a winner. This one is simply boring. Note, that the conversation is about variations in date formats. The comic is too weak to hold our attention.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
When you retire…dates mean nothing.
Allan CB Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Well … I guess the Yanks say “Tuesday, July 4, 2013” so 7-4-13 “makes sense” (like Fahrenheit and miles/hour)
Being a big Trek Fan, I use YYYYMMD.D (i.e. Stardate 2013070.4")
Burnout70s almost 12 years ago
who really cares. Use the system for thje country your in. What is the big deal??
tattooedcyberidiot almost 12 years ago
This would be a good time for a reappearance of household cleanser man
Hunter7 almost 12 years ago
No. We use International which is YYYYMMDD and also DDMMYYYY. (depending upon the branch of the govt ).
.And if you use MMDDYYYY on your cheques to Revenue Canada…. forget about any cashiers’ trying to figure out what you really meant. .You want MMDDYYYY – then don’t be lazy – spell out the name of the month. They were named for a reason.