Hello, Donna, sham marriages to deceive immigration are definitely illegal. By pursuing dates, you can earn an investigation of your “open marriage” with Pierre. They would only deport him. You can be subjected to prison time and financial penalties. Then you might have a ‘organic’ relationship with Big Sal (or the equivalent) that would make Michael look desirable with his handmade chainmail.
Peabody-Martini almost 12 years ago
I seem to recall that they were full of fertilizer.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
It’s the organics who post on OkCupid, ladies. No difference. None. Nada.
The missing M. Smokey almost 12 years ago
there’s a difference between organic and organ-y.
PoodleGroomer almost 12 years ago
They were the kind that add value and redistribute personal assets by composting.
kaecispopX almost 12 years ago
Hello, Donna, sham marriages to deceive immigration are definitely illegal. By pursuing dates, you can earn an investigation of your “open marriage” with Pierre. They would only deport him. You can be subjected to prison time and financial penalties. Then you might have a ‘organic’ relationship with Big Sal (or the equivalent) that would make Michael look desirable with his handmade chainmail.