Close to Home by John McPherson for April 23, 2013

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 12 years ago

    Odds are a 1 in 100.

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  2. Froggman tg
    Frogman_tg  almost 12 years ago

    1 in a 100 for what? A two dollar winner?

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    BearsDown Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    You know, when I went to college I had to work to pay my way. I don’t recall ever expecting my folks to pay for my full ride.

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    Warren Wubker  almost 12 years ago

    The American system of planning for the future, while secretly hoping SS will still be around and will be enough to support them when they retire. The future will have a lot of unhappy people.

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  5. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    J Short, thanks for posting that bit about Joan Weston (got the spelling right that time) it was a pretty neat trip down memory lane….the video FROM the players was pretty cool and puzzling at the same time; I didn’t know that kind of technology was available when Joanie was skating and they had skated on banked tracks…..I suppose the camera was pretty huge compared to what they can do today

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    ncalifgirl58  almost 12 years ago

    These days a college education does not ensure success anyway.

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    Poollady  almost 12 years ago

    That’s how life is, son, one big lottery!

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    angelfiredragon  almost 12 years ago

    In Utah if the parents are divorced the state makes both of them pay for a childs college against their will.

    I paid my own way and children of parents who did not get divorced are not forced to pay for it.

    The state claims a child of divorced parents has less opportunity, although one could argue they have more cause now they have two sets of parents to help pay for if both re-marry.

    In any case I believe it is a violation of the equal protection clause.

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    angelfiredragon  almost 12 years ago

    I am not one of those but I would love it to go to court, all the way to the Supreme court so it could be over turned.

    Now if the state forced ALL parents to pay for their kids college education then it is equal and fair and there is no case for the courts to review.

    Besides there isn’t much anyone can do to force a parent to pay. It doesn’t have the same teeth as child support does, there is no jail time. All they really can do is garnishments, hurt someone’s credit score and take any real assets they have to auction and pay for it.

    Most children don’t want to do that to their parents.

    Not every state is this way, last I heard it was only like 11 out of 50. As more get in on this trend though its bound to end up in the courts somewhere.

    If it ever did happen to me I would sooner go to jail than pay and I’d blame my child for it. It has been my experience those that pay for their own college work harder, those that mommy and day fund, just play around and screw around and drop out.

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    fixer1967  almost 12 years ago

    Tell me that you are joking.

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