The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for May 08, 2013

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 12 years ago

    Why am I not surprised?

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  2. 061
    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    You are insulting handicapped people. I think this lot is purposefully stupid and have the PHD’s to prove it.

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    John Pike
.there are many kinds of disabilities

    A wall plastered with PhD’s 
 which BTW has a small “h” 
 doesn’t “prove” the Penny’s are not “disabled” in some way
It may not be physical; it may not qualify them for a blue placard, or give them an actual need to ride in a cart
But they definitely have a social handicap or two
.ignorance is one of them.

    Facetiously calling their ignorance disabling does nothing to diminish the physical handicaps of others

    Not understanding when people are joking, and bawling them out on forums
you know
that’s kind of a social handicap too.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Thanks X.

    And you’re right
maybe he means Peoria Historical Dioramas, or Plaid Honey Dispensers, or he raises Police Hound Dogs (who can sniff out disabilities)

    Or he has invented Personal History Detectors.

    I shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that he’s educated.

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  5. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  almost 12 years ago

    An Imperial entitlement! Perhaps the Pennys would want home delivery—and putting away—as well. Natch!Not to join the fray re: disabilities but
 There are disabilities and then there are disabilities. There are some people who take advantage of a societal mitzvah like electric carts like the Pennys do, and I call that a (societal) disability. I never know what to do when I see this taking place because some "disabilities are not immediately obvious. My better angel tells me to pray for them but my lesser one wants to resurrect some old Johnny Carson curses about the fleas of a thousand camels.

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  6. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  almost 12 years ago

    In my part of town I see people (generally well-endowed and fit “trophies”) pull into a handicapped parking spot so they can get a place close up because they only need a few things. After all, they don’t want to be late for their tennis date at the club. Heaven forbid. Or folks that have a hang tag for Mom but Mom isn’t with them. Grumble grumble grumble.And then there’s Edna (Ralph is long dead) driving a 1992 Town Car who simply stops wherever she is and calls it parking. You can hear strains of “Pomp and Circumstance #3” as she drives by. She got that way when they were posted overseas and got really rich. She believes that she is better than the common sort even though Ralph started out as an oilfield roustabout in Midland and she was the girl with the big TaTas in the office.

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  7. Susie
    celestpuls  almost 12 years ago

    Please don’t point out the location of the “find it” in case some of us are still looking for it. Thanks.

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  8. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  almost 12 years ago

    Dear Friends, I apologize for my rant about people who misuse the facilities, etc set aside for those with disabilities. I was in a bad mood and sometimes I take it out on old wimmen; not physically or verbally (to them) but I do get cranky. None of you deserve that. I’m sorry.

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  9. Missing large
    yoopergirl  almost 12 years ago

    I appreciated (truly!) the discussion on disability. My multiple sclerosis “earned” me a parking placard but it’s also what keeps me from kicking people in the sitter when they use those spaces because they’ll “just be a minute”!

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    imnormal  almost 12 years ago

    Ted may as well go out to the parking lot with them, they will leave the cart wherever they get off, and hopefully it is not behind their car. By the way, it is obvious they are at a the ‘bag your own’ lane to save another nickle as there is no bagger or bags at the check out. They are pushing the limits as far s possible.

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  11. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    What about the ones that take the carts home and then leave them on the parkway, or in the alley, or on the street

. ! ? ! ?

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  12. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 12 years ago

    My man does a lot of walking and carrying in his line of work and has a one-person cart to carry in his trunk and assemble (which requires some strength). He takes it along when we go to places that require a lot of walking over extended grounds. Only built for one, he insisted that I be the one to ride it on one of our outings (all day at a circus museum up in Wisconsin). Although pleasant to ride, I’d be fine walking and just sitting down every now and then through the day. I got tired of trying to explain to people that I wasn’t handicapped. I’d rather HE ride it (he has a couple of bad disks in his back).

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  13. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 12 years ago

    Best not to read the comments before the “find it” if you care about such things (I used to think those were just for the children). The main fun of this strip is all the funny little things Julie hides here and there.

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  14. Cedarhill
    Carol69  almost 12 years ago

    It’s getting real Bitchy and Harpy in here todaywith the “find its”, Hs and hs

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  15. Missing large
    btcg  almost 12 years ago


    Sorry dear
 but you’re quite incorrect. If something is labeled with the legal, blue sign, it is illegal for ANYONE who does not have a legal permit to use.

. and read that last line again.

    Now, the police will often overlook users who are old and feeble, or seriously injured. But if your disability is not obvious, and you have not taken the time to check the box on your driver’s license application (yes, it’s that simple) and provided a doctor’s note, you have no one to blame but yourself if you’re cited.

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  16. Missing large
    animalheck Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    can the mentally handicapped get handicapped license plates?

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  17. Missing large
    btcg  almost 12 years ago

    Had a man who looked to be in his 30’s come up to me and say “you don’t look handicapped.”

    Me: “well sir, it’s none of your business, but I have severe stenosis of the spine, in 13 areas of my neck, alone.”

    Him: “You don’t look handicapped.”

    I just shook my head at him. He could have viewed my MRI, spoken with my back specialist, and I’d wager all that would come out would be:

    “You don’t look handicapped.”

    One wonders how some make it home at night without help.

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  18. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    In our town we have Parking Police, volunteers (mostly seniors) who drive around and check for placards and license plates of those parked in handicapped places. Don’t see many taking advantage anymore. And yes, Mikie2 I do see mostly well endowed people driving the carts, but with great weight comes great medical complications. Its the scofflaws we take exception to.

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  19. Tyrnn tyrnngrinsquare
    Tyrnn  almost 12 years ago

    I absolutely loathe people who do this. Anyone who’s worked in a supermarket with those probably has a story to tell.

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  20. Img 0562
    loveslife  almost 12 years ago

    Yup and people like that are allowed to bread
 I would NOT take out their groceries. Let them get to their car then turn around to get them themselves. So lazy aren’t they??? I do know people like them unfortunately..

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  21. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Btcg - in what way am I "Incorrect?

    Sorry, but I don’t think you actually read my comment

    I never said the Pennys had any right to use ANYTHING marked for the handicapped!They certainly don’t, nor does anyone not properly certified.

    In fact, I said, to quote myself with better emphasis:

    “It may not be physical; it may not qualify them for a blue placard,or give them an actual need to ride in a cart

    But they definitely have a social handicap or two
.ignorance is one of them."

    I was not remarking on the Pennys’ use of a cart meant for the more disabled
I was remarking on John Pike’s overreaction to Radish’s joke about the Penny’s having some sort of disability
which they do
. ignorance and a disabling sense of entitlement.

    Any thinking person knows that’s not a legal disability, and doesn’t entitle them to park in a blue space.

    This is a comics site.We joke.

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  22. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

. I don’t mean to justify ANYthing the Pennys do

    I see nothing to show that they’re parked outside in a handicapped space.I doubt they are, because the fines are high.

    And where I shop, anybody can take the electric carts
polite people leave them for the disabled, but there is no placard required, and many seriously obese but not legally handicapped shoppers use them.I’ve seen mothers take babies and even rude teenagers zipping about in them.

    It would be hard to enforce a placard requirement, because presumably it’s been left hanging from the rearview mirror in the car.

    And who knows
 maybe the Pennys’ doctor even thinks they need one!

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  23. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 12 years ago

    Today I think a few were lacking in humor here. I totally dislike having anyone think that I am handicapped just because of my age. Of the many unsolicited phone calls I received one saying that I may be “entitled” to one of those carts. The person did not speak English well or I would have told him that he interrupted me in a set of bench press (true).

    My man purchased his as a toy on Ebay. He also has a ride-on lawnmower/snow blower for his small suburban yard.

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