Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for May 06, 2013
But, where's the bread?!! In Ulm, Germany, there is a museum of 18,000 items decorated to bread- but no actual bread! In 1978, Jon Brower Minnoch (1941-1983), of Seattle, Washington, was estimated to weigh 1400 lbs.! Dirty dining! A high-end restaurant in Tokyo has unveiled a $110 menu of food made from compost!
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
My fellow Washingtonian must’ve had a forklift to carry his casket. Also, that German bread museum reminds me of that one British cheese shop (which also doesn’t have queso venezolano de castor).
billb181 almost 12 years ago
Gives “Dishing the dirt” a whole new meaning.
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
hey ulm, u mean u got no ergot?
goweeder almost 12 years ago
If they shipped our bodies to the North Pole when we died,it could maybe save a lot of Polar Bears from starving. What a terrible waste of natural resources.( why preserve a dead body underground when there’s no one in it?) Sounds ghoulish, I know, but you can’t deny that it’s logical!
goweeder almost 12 years ago
Just think of all the polar bears John Minnoch could have saved.
goweeder almost 12 years ago
Don’t recoil in horror — Right now we’re feeding worms!
belldee90 almost 12 years ago
That poor man! I hope he’s gotten help since then. As for the Japanese compost food, nothing they do would surprise me.
Mister Mean almost 12 years ago
Just give him an after diner mint.
terek almost 12 years ago
If he was not paralyzed or disabled, dying at age 42 from obesity served John Brower Minnoch right! There’s no acceptable excuse for such gluttony!! It’s basically abusing your body by sitting on your obese &%$#@ ass and not excercising when you’re able to get up and move before you put on all that weight!!!!
wjones almost 12 years ago
In the army we use to get SOS for breakfast. Or was it COS?
terek almost 12 years ago
Not always. But when I see something that offends me in the comic strip, anything that insults my intelligence with stupidity, or any other type of injustice portrayed in the comics I WILL SPEAK MY MIND, AND EXCERCISE MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. I do have a sense of humor for some of these things, but there is alot of innappropriate @#&% in the comic strips that irks me! If you saw something in the comics strips that offends you, you would speak out as well! I try to tone down my language and attitudes and lighten up, so please taken my point of view into consideration. Thank You.