Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for January 11, 2008
Dill: Mrs. Otterloop, I've made a get-well card for Alice. Mom: Dill! That's very nice of you! Dill: Today at preschool, since Alice stayed home, nobody yelled, nobody threw dirt at recess, nobody hogged all the crayons. It was the most boring day ever. Mom: Would you like to go see her? Dill: If Alice ever learns not to grab toys away from me, I hope to marry her someday.
niambi almost 15 years ago
true love lol!
horsie825 almost 14 years ago
merbates almost 14 years ago
Dill is a wise male.
catchulhas over 13 years ago
I always knew Dill had something for Alice.
Rion7335 about 12 years ago
michdarkangel over 10 years ago
Oh Dill… You are so adorable!!
Omniman over 5 years ago
Don’t get your hopes too high!
calvin.hobbes almost 5 years ago
Dill and Alice sittin’ in a treeK-I-S-S-I-N-Gfirst comes lovethen comes marrigethen comes the baby in the baby carrige..