Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for April 20, 2008
Mom: Let's see how fast we can get through the grocery store. Alice: Can I ride in the cart shaped like a train? Mom: Jeez, it's like pushing a truck! Alice: Can we go to the deli counter to see if they have that cheese that smells like feet? Mom: Alice, sit down! Alice: I'm singing my cheese song. Let's go smell the cheese. Petey: If I step on a green square, I'll plunge to my doom! Mom: Petey! Not so loud! Petey: Doom, Doom, Doom awaits us far below! Mom: Alice! Sit down! Alice: Smell the cheese, it smells like feet, stinky, stinky feet! Petey: Doom doom doom. Lobster: Pinch me to see if I'm dreaming. Lobster: I keep trying to.
Frosted Donut Premium Member over 16 years ago
This strip is great! I love how it starts out grounded in reality and gets increasingly more surreal until the last panel.
Susan Crites Premium Member over 16 years ago
I have been pushing that cart on that shopping trip. But the final panel still killed me DED DED DED!
arby010 over 13 years ago
rob9108 over 13 years ago
I’m 49 and my nephew and I still put my sister through this when she makes us go to the store with her! LOL!
COMIC-ER over 12 years ago
My song:
Let’s go smell the cheese!Doom awaits us..far below! Smell the cheese, like smelly feet…Dooom doom doo-ooo-ooo-oooooomfeetdoomcheesedoomCheesy feety doomFar below
Thank you.
calvin.hobbes almost 5 years ago
Love this
OdieTheDog about 4 years ago
I hunk Peter has ocd