thatababy: my pillow! pillow: tremble, mortal! tremble before the power of the decepticons! thatababy: plushy transformers aren't very scary.
No need to call in the Autobots for help. This is an easily won pillow fight!
aww! love it, thoguh it did scare the stuffing out of thatababy at first ;)
You simply drool them into submission.
Think Thatababy was too sleepy to care!
Good one.
Is baby going to learn swear words?
But, their language seems a little salty for babies!
April 08, 2014
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
No need to call in the Autobots for help. This is an easily won pillow fight!
water_moon almost 12 years ago
aww! love it, thoguh it did scare the stuffing out of thatababy at first ;)
Linux0s almost 12 years ago
You simply drool them into submission.
Nancy Murphy almost 12 years ago
Think Thatababy was too sleepy to care!
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Good one.
DavidGBA almost 12 years ago
Is baby going to learn swear words?
Piksea Premium Member almost 12 years ago
But, their language seems a little salty for babies!