Dad: When I was a kid we'd have jars full of lightning bugs! Dill: Oh. When your dad was a kid, lightning bugs came in a jar. Alice: He's always had a stunted sense of fun.
Wheredaya think the fireflies came from? Eons ago, when dad was a child, the Wells Fargo wagon delivered jars of fireflies that the kids had ordered via the Sears Roebuck catalog. But enough kids accidentally dropped their jars that a population of feral fireflies was established. They thrive in the wild to this day.
Akylax over 14 years ago
They’re fireflies dagnabbit!
gocomics about 13 years ago
Glow worms!
NJ Lyon almost 13 years ago
This one is an animation on YouTube.
fishbulb239 over 12 years ago
Wheredaya think the fireflies came from? Eons ago, when dad was a child, the Wells Fargo wagon delivered jars of fireflies that the kids had ordered via the Sears Roebuck catalog. But enough kids accidentally dropped their jars that a population of feral fireflies was established. They thrive in the wild to this day.