Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for July 20, 2008

  1. Culdesac social
    merbates  about 14 years ago


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    DCStark  almost 14 years ago

    So that’s where the idea for the song “Watermelon Man” came from …

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  3. Cb29e951791b8addf0422e34faf35fe654995a6420c7cc04c11f151a768506a9
    zoeysha101  over 13 years ago

    People just love lying to kids,don’t they?

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  4. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  over 12 years ago

    Wow, it reminds me of a sports story. A skilled basketball player decided that he would never win an NBA title unless he stacked the deck in his favor. So he told his hometown where they could go and had his fellow All-Stars Dwane and Chris agree to bypass the normal team-initiated recruitment approach and team together, virtually ensuring that a backwater second-home “city” in southern Florida would land some NBA championship hardware. Man, selling your soul is SO worth it!

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