Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for September 07, 2008
Mom: Tell us about your first week back at school, Petey. Petey: Well - the halls are all painted a different beige than last year. I hate it. My teacher arranged all the desks like the continents of the world as a learning experience. I'm in Antarctica. And the worst is, our class nickname is the Sea Cucumbers. Why do things have to change every year? Dad: When distressed, a sea cucumber can extrude its own stomach as a defense mechanism. Petey: AGH! Dad: I thought that would cheer you up. Mom: Maybe you need glasses. Alice: I'd like to try that stomach thing.
margueritem over 16 years ago
I always admired that ability in sea cucumbers.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Me too…
Selfthinker over 14 years ago
the dad is more insane then petey!
Marathon Zack over 8 years ago
I want to be Antarctica!