Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 26, 2013
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling One Day At The Offices Of Nerrex Arms, Inc. Man: And we should have the first 50,000 rifiles ready for 3Q 2014, General. General: Very good. Man: Now, just a few procedures we have to do as a licensed arms dealer. General: Huh? Man: A simple background check. Name? General: Name?! The purchaser is the United States! Man: Very good. Oh, dear... General: What?! Man: Did the U.S. commit an armed invasion of a nation under the false pretense of self-defense? General: Wh...? Man: Oh, my! Did the U.S. engage in a large-scale program of torture?!! General: Now, see here...! Man: Tsk. Lots of red flags. War crimes, abuse, assassinations... Man: This background check has revealed an extremely aggressive and violent psychological profile. Man: I'm afraid the check failed. I can't sell you the guns. General: This is an outrage!! AND SO... GUN SHOW General: That's right. 150,000 fully automatic assault rifles. NO BACKGROUND CHECK REQUIRED Man: You want 'em gift wrapped, or are you just gonna carry 'em out?
pam Miner almost 12 years ago
Nothing here to ee, move on please!
DOUGLAS G THOMAS Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The general has arm patches that indicate he’s actually a corporal…sort of. Ruben apparently never served in the military or paid much attention to military uniforms. Other than that, the point is made well.
rnmontgomery almost 12 years ago
Sir, why purchase them when you can just confiscate them from the American populace. Oh, I see, when they have guns you are afraid to bust into their homes to take guns. Hmmm, it makes sense now.
King_Shark almost 12 years ago
Why waste time on guns? Just nuke us all!
Liam Burns almost 12 years ago
Sadly, many think this is true.
BrianLupiani Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Sadly, rnmontgomery thinks what he posted is true.
(Unless he/she was being sarcastic, in which case I apologize.)
tomfromthe50s Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The government doesn’t want to seize your guns, you numbskull.
Withan almost 12 years ago
This is ignorance. A licensed dealer has to perform a background check no matter where he conducts a sale. Only licensed gun dealers can sell firearms in a booth at a gun show.
Also, several U.S. Senators and Representatives have expressed a desire to disarm all civilians.
artkennedy Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Very good points but a little more realism might help . . . generals DO NOT have chevrons on their sleves.
Gokie5 almost 12 years ago
I agree about the general’s trappings, but maybe Ruben was trying to fuzz up the identity or be humorous. However, great job, Ruben!
ultrahumanite48 almost 12 years ago
go suck on your derringer
Possum Pete almost 12 years ago
As shown above, criminals will always find a way to get guns.
rwpikul almost 12 years ago
You mean besides the little facts that: Requiring background checks be done at gun shows is a state decision, (and not all do).Multiple tests have found that you can, indeed, buy guns at gun shows without any kind of background check.Those tests also showed that many dealers at gun shows totally ignore the rule about not selling to those they have reason to believe would fail a background check. (How is this known? The buyer in the tests would flat out say that he couldn’t pass one.)
thebaldtexican almost 12 years ago
If only full autos were that easy…