The whole premise of “if a tree falls in the forest….etc.” is ridiculous anyway, because there are always animals around, and their hearing is sometimes is much better and more sensitive than humans. A sound is a physical reality no matter what argument anyone can come up with.
Alison84 almost 12 years ago
Ha, Samson speakers. Actual brand, isn’t it?
rockngolfer almost 12 years ago
Never heard of that brand. I have Paradigm.
Captain Colorado almost 12 years ago
If there is no hearer there is no sound.
kendallclark1973 almost 12 years ago
Its bark is much louder than… well, most anything.
waltermgm almost 12 years ago
I wonder what he plugged the amp into?
Hugh B. Hayve almost 12 years ago
The whole premise of “if a tree falls in the forest….etc.” is ridiculous anyway, because there are always animals around, and their hearing is sometimes is much better and more sensitive than humans. A sound is a physical reality no matter what argument anyone can come up with.
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
If things go true to form here, the tree will fall over NOW, causing the amps to topple over on top of Horace in a domno effect.
T. Shepherd creator almost 12 years ago
The real question – if a tree tells a joke in the forest, is it funny if there’s no one there to laugh at it ?
Stephen Gilberg almost 12 years ago
If you set up a video camera for the Weeping Angels and nobody’s watching at the moment, can they still move?
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
If a woodpecker gets to that tree before it falls, people will be screaming for mercy.
InTraining Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Horace may have to wait 100 or more years…. ! ! !
InTraining Premium Member almost 12 years ago
LOL…. A++++++…. “Power Plant”…. Ha Ha Ha…….
tdcrjeff almost 12 years ago
bmonk almost 12 years ago
This strip blows me away. Or, as soon as that tree falls, Horace will be blown away.
GerardoDreadful almost 12 years ago
Samson is the name of the cartoonist
The Hammer Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The original question was: If a man is talking in the forest and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong??
zero almost 12 years ago