Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for January 10, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    Selective hearing…

    I have to agree with Petey’s negative opinion of winter.

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  2. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    Petey’s right….Christmas as we know it didn’t even exist until the discovery of electricity.

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  3. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    margueritem: Try winter in the U.K. I love the winters here in America (North) The more Southerly states quite fit me. (Mrs. Tubbsbottl shouts from the kitchen….’Aye to that!”)

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  4. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  about 16 years ago

    Petey’s right.

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  5. Culdesac social
    merbates  about 14 years ago

    Alice the optimist!

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  6. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  over 12 years ago

    Alice is right. The entire point of winter is for snow, and the best day of the year is any day where the snow accumulation exceeds one foot. Any locale in which any snow at all is a complete anomaly is a wasteland that is entirely unworthy of habitation.

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