The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for May 08, 2013

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    arsmall  almost 12 years ago

    Wow… unbelievably sad…

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    alondra  almost 12 years ago

    That’s really terrible. I think people who live alone (which he obviously did since no one missed him) should have someone who will phone them every day to make sure they’re ok.

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  3. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  almost 12 years ago

    Actually, in Lila’s world, she will get a reboot and live her life over again! With a few word changes here and there.

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    kab2rb  almost 12 years ago

    Some time ago my dad, an accident at church, was walking when someone opened a door hit him on the head briefly knocked him out, he flat refused to go to emergency room to have himself checked out. 3 weeks later he did go to emergency room he had a small stroke. We told them a door hit him on the head. Hospital with indept imaging found the area with blood thiners he was okay. My mom was not hit on the head. She started having speach issues we been noticing and other health issues. I went to doctor with her and tests was done. Found two artiers had narrowed Baby Beaer for her and she is fine.My dad’s brother had a very bad stroke lived for 2 months.

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    lily245pj  almost 12 years ago

    Depressing to think one might die alone.

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