Truer words have never been spoken.
Ah, yes, Boston hypnosis. “You will give me that piece of cheese!” Works every time.
I think it’s way too late for you to put this one over on Cagney. Start with a puppy, maybe.
Very impressive eyes talent Zack! Too bad it didn’t work on Cagney. I can see your right eye in the third panel. Now that’s really impressive!
John Deering
pawpawbear almost 12 years ago
Truer words have never been spoken.
wdpeck almost 12 years ago
Ah, yes, Boston hypnosis. “You will give me that piece of cheese!” Works every time.
susanwobb almost 12 years ago
I think it’s way too late for you to put this one over on Cagney. Start with a puppy, maybe.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Very impressive eyes talent Zack! Too bad it didn’t work on Cagney. I can see your right eye in the third panel. Now that’s really impressive!