Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for June 11, 2013

  1. Curly pres
    jmcx4  over 11 years ago

    I usually faint when the horses madden. Donā€™t like angry cows either.Wake up Tribemates!

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    Polsixe  over 11 years ago

    Threesomes are common in her social set? So thatā€™s the back story now what? Tarzan go knock some heads on the movie set?

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  3. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 11 years ago

    Movie production is always better off when the leading star disappears in the middle of shooting.

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    the old professor  over 11 years ago

    Please get us out of the desert before this story gets any sillier.

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    Old Comic Strip Lover  over 11 years ago

    Itā€™s not so much when the horses madden for me. Itā€™s when they back kick sand into my face after they madden.

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    rdmacgregor  over 11 years ago

    It looked to me like she didnā€™t faint until Tarzan approached to stop her horses. Before that, it looked like she was firmly at the reins.

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  7. 20090602 703
    profkatz  over 11 years ago

    OK, now here come yet another group of arab terrorists after seeing a ā€œvisionā€ of Cleopatra racing her chariot across the sands. That Frenchie on watch had best use his binocs to view their approach, and that mac-gun had best be ready to mow ā€˜em down.Anyway, by now Kim Kardashian, Amanda Bynes, or Lindsay Lohan have be cast as the female lead in that movieā€¦.you know those Hollyweird big shots donā€™t wait around too long to find replacementsā€¦.costs ā€™em too much ca$h! :)> WalkOfFameAGowa!!And YESā€¦.PLEASEā€¦get us back to the jungle, you can even skip Jane and Nairobi!

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  8. Curly pres
    jmcx4  over 11 years ago

    My ca$h ainā€™t nuthin but tra$h, Katman. I wonder if Jane is still sporting that June Cleaver look?


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  9. Curly pres
    jmcx4  over 11 years ago

    In my case, Mr. What?, itā€™s the 10% rule, Ya gotta be at least 10% smarter than what you are dealing with. Horse Sense was never my strong suit.

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  10. Warkitty avatar
    Fuddy Duddy  over 11 years ago

    The Mombique Holiday Express features a working water-cooled machine gun, and staff in genuine French kepis.-Our Hostess, Mlle. Cleopatra conducts guided tours via chariot to all area attractions.-Our Conciergeā€™, M. Lecler is prepared to care for your every need.

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