Banana Triangle by Beutel, James for June 07, 2013

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 11 years ago

    And, unfortunately, Rosemary is correct. Sigh…

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 11 years ago

    He’s chained down! What can he do?

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  3. Cindy crawford shaving cream 1
    randayn  over 11 years ago

    Hey, Wuss, stop crying and fight back! You’re allowing yourself to be dragged away by a one-armed man. At this point the old woman carrying the hatchet is not a good reason to just lay down and die (literally).

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    pcolli  over 11 years ago

    Tom’s in the food queue.

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    dianehb Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So we learn that Tom is more like Rosemary and Scotty then he would care to admit!

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    TCulberson  over 11 years ago

    Wonder what is really going on off panel???

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    57perry  over 11 years ago

    Throw the rocks, Tom, throw the rocks!

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    starlilies  over 11 years ago

    Oh geez, Tom! You both could have ganged up on them! Hit them with rocks – there’s plenty around! Don’t go down without a fight! This guys kid is out there (I believe the kid is his anyway) – don’t you want them to be able to see each other again? Guess it’s a matter of perspective. If you feel hopeless, you won’t do a thing. If it really matters to you, you will!

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  9. Tyrnn tyrnngrinsquare
    Tyrnn  over 11 years ago

    First they came for the French, but it did not directly affect me, so I did nothing. Then they came for the Africans, but it did not directly affect me so I did nothing. Then they came for me…. and there was no one left to help.

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