Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for May 08, 2013

  1. Pl1
    Masterius  over 11 years ago

    I thought that I would never see,A child who would so desperately,Kneel, and to a parent pray,That she would not have a school sick-day.

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  2. J cdfqvx
    luducks  over 11 years ago

    I find it sad that most people think Phoebe would try to get out of going to school. I understand though – just about 100% of modern culture universally commands children to loathe school and avoid it at any costs. And then we wonder why kids to bad in school! Because they’re expected to hate it, and they’re very good at living up to our expectations.

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  3. Phoebe
    kaykeyser  over 11 years ago

    I just LOVE this family Welcome to Phoebestan Home of the Dust Bunny, cymbal of our nation. Out national flow is the fuzzy green thing growing just behind the moldy cheese and to the left of the sock,the oldest land mark in our nation. Legend say the sock just appeared under the bed one day and no one knows why. It is now currently home to countless unique life forms. in the Nort west corner you’ll find the historic battle field from the war between the just out of reach game cartridge and the bent coat hanger. Check out the wonders of our natural beauty,see rough draft mountain as it over looks grape juice stain lake and on the south end the 9th wounder of the world the clean spot on the floor where an end table used to be. Don’t forget our newest attraction the sunny spot under the window covered in shedded unicorn hair. And coming soon Teen Magazine mountain and other attractions associated with teens.

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  4. J cdfqvx
    luducks  over 11 years ago

    I do think it’s a bad idea to let a sick child go to school and infect others. I’m sad that people are surprised at the idea she would want to or would fake being sick.

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  5. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member over 11 years ago


    …Then, the whining Schoole-boy with his SatchellAnd shining morning face, creeping like snaileVnwillingly to schoole.—“As You Like It”

    We need no special theory to explainwhy children of this place and time should bejust like the children of all prior ages,but if we did, it would suffice to notethat parents of today are far more likelyto hold some anti-intellectual stancethat rubs off on the kids and makes them balk.

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    skydancer11  over 11 years ago

    The expressions in panel 2 are really quite moving.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Pony fans should check out the sketches

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    scyphi26  over 11 years ago

    Phoebestan should’ve gotten in touch with Greater Llewellynland; they’ve could’ve hooked Phoebe up.

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  9. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  over 11 years ago

    Can I move to Phoebestan? I don’t want to clean my room either…

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  10. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    Didn’t Marigold say the same thing to Phoebe a few days ago?

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    dfeuer  over 11 years ago

    Some children hate school because many schools are pretty bad environments for children. In many cases, schools focus much more on enforcing their arbitrary rules, teaching obedience, and maintaining order than they do on actual education. And then there’s the problem that even when not teaching to the test they teach the national priorities: reading, writing, basic math, and science. Anyone whose interests lie elsewhere is just out of luck.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I see.

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