Eek! by Scott Nickel for May 09, 2013

  1. Missing large
    emptc12  almost 12 years ago

    Scott Nickel continues to chronicle improving social trends among Monster-Americans..Monsters live much fuller lives than ever before. They get married, interact, and deal with modern technology. More and more, they’re living the American Dream (no longer, the Nightmare)..Igor can opt for surgery, Vlad can easily get blood from a bloodbank, and the Frankenstein monster would fit in on a football field. They have entered the middle class, and in some cases gone even higher..When will monsters run for public office and be elected? That would be the ultimate test of public acceptance. It might even have happened already.

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  2. Sany0002
    danlarios  almost 12 years ago

    a ring around the collar

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  3. Missing large
    kaecispopX  almost 12 years ago

    Just remove the battery from the collar.

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    File for divorce, dude! Or, just file the collar off….

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