The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for May 21, 2013

  1. Common iora
    falcocherrug  almost 12 years ago

    Oh so true!

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Only 30 minutes.

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  3. Cats 001
    BlueEyedCatMom  almost 12 years ago

    Then you talk to some guy in India who schedules a repairman to come out the third Tuesday of next month.

    And then the repair guy either doesn’t show or takes a quick look and says they’ll have to order the part, which will take approximately 4-6 weeks to arrive from China.

     •  Reply
  4. Cats henry the tudor cat
    crissi  almost 12 years ago

    Wow! Every comment is right on target.

     •  Reply
  5. Garfield
    linsonl  almost 12 years ago

    And, then, if you are lucky, you problem will be fixed. If not, go to the end of the line and start over.

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  6. Missing large
    Henry Robertson  almost 12 years ago

    Only thirty minutes???? I want THAT cable company!

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  7. Curly pres
    jmcx4  almost 12 years ago

    I like the part where that “new low rate” deal only applies to new customors. The existing customers that have been loyally paying the higher rate for years may continue to do so.

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  8. Sany0002
    danlarios  almost 12 years ago

    if you’d like to make a call hangup and try and try and try again

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  9. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 12 years ago

    I rather go back to over-the-air TV.

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  10. Missing large
    lbasualdo  almost 12 years ago

    Algun parecido con tu servicio?

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  11. Missing large
    jbmlaw01  almost 12 years ago

    We receive 60 over-the-air channels in Atlanta. 10 are radio stations, and another 10 are shopping /infomercial channels, another 10 are Spanish- or Korean-language, another 10 are religious broadcasting. That still leaves about 20 English-language entertainment channels.

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