More and more are planting in containers, I have some on my deck this year. If all the blossoms on my tomato plants mean anything, I am going to be making lots of new friends, in addition to making old friends happy.
real pluggers would practice canning. meaning storing food into jars to store for the winter. since many of their family and friends have the same fruits and veggies in THEIR yards as well.
Templo S.U.D. over 11 years ago
Andy Fox should follow the pluggers’ example when it comes to those zucchini.
snarky1941 over 11 years ago
Too many deer and not as many dears?
jancy over 11 years ago
More and more are planting in containers, I have some on my deck this year. If all the blossoms on my tomato plants mean anything, I am going to be making lots of new friends, in addition to making old friends happy.
Sangelia over 11 years ago
real pluggers would practice canning. meaning storing food into jars to store for the winter. since many of their family and friends have the same fruits and veggies in THEIR yards as well.
The Life I Draw Upon over 11 years ago
A woman after my own heart, and philosophy.
SClark55 over 11 years ago
This is great – Thx to Gary and to David!
gargoils over 11 years ago
God bless the Pluggers; they made this country great !!!
ossiningaling over 11 years ago
What about Use Tax? Lawbreakers!
ossiningaling over 11 years ago
What about Use Tax? Lawbreakers!
fixer1967 over 11 years ago
They are people at the FDA that want to make this illegal. Why does the government have to stick its’ nose in every thing?