On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for May 29, 2013

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    frogsandravens  almost 12 years ago

    Eesh, what a stupid question. There’s a reason why hospitals have waiting rooms, after all.

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    no1scouse  almost 12 years ago

    In Canada the ER waiting room is where you sit for six to eight hours waiting for one of the two doctors to see you.

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    artsudz  almost 12 years ago

    That’s why the son-in-law needs to be there. The wife and daughter aren’t going anywhere; somebody’s got to bring them coffee and snacks.

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    hippogriff  almost 12 years ago

    no1scouse: What province were you in? (Probably never been to Canada, just read it in Reader’s Digest.) We never waited more than 15 minutes to see our only doctor, and could have spent the time reading his papers from peer-reviewed medical journals (which he had on his wall instead of Norman Rockwell imitations of concerned doctors by a child’s bedside).

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    no1scouse  almost 12 years ago

    hippogriff: I’ve lived in Ontario for 43 years. I was talking about emergency, not my doctor’s office, or don’t you know what ER means? The hospital was North York General.

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