FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 03, 1995
Roger: Well, well, what have we here? Jason with Quincy: I am Iguanoman. You must b ethe one they call "Dad." Roger: That would be me. Jason: I have traveled light-years through space to bring you a message from my supreme commander, Iguanius the Almighty. Roger: And what might that message be? Jason: Increase Jason Fox's allowance or we will destroy your planet. Roger: Son, would you like your Father to start hitting bars on the way home from work? Jason: Now, given that the earth is probably worth a few quadrillion dollars....
apples about 4 years ago
I litteraly fell outta my chair and got a minor concussion reading this
Emma Dahmer about 4 years ago
The way Quincy’s expression matches Jason’s hand movements just makes my day
Official Foxtrot Page over 2 years ago