"Uh-oh, Phil, it looks like we've made a grave mistake." "R.I.P. Dixon 1944-2013 R.I.P. Dickson 1944-" "invoice Dixon Burial"
nothin’ funny ’bout humor
Alt. thinking. The person in that grave was still alive.
First clue should have been, . . . no ‘death date’ on the headstone!
Phil doesn’t exactly look exumerant about the news.
I can dig it.
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
nothin’ funny ’bout humor
Alphaanddelta almost 12 years ago
Alt. thinking. The person in that grave was still alive.
Brisbanekid almost 12 years ago
First clue should have been, . . . no ‘death date’ on the headstone!
jsab0 almost 12 years ago
Phil doesn’t exactly look exumerant about the news.
cheap_day_return almost 12 years ago
I can dig it.