A Japanese music group named Ali Project came out with an album last year called “Counterfeiter.” The titular song is about grappling with what’s genuine and what’s imitated in art, beauty, and life. The song suggests that what we humans call “reality” is a sensory experience.
jack fairbanks over 11 years ago
make her naked again
ratlum over 11 years ago
The sound of the English language would not have been a problem then.So believe what we want.
Me3000 over 11 years ago
according to the dictionary an accountant is a cross between a counter and a mutant
Zaristerex over 11 years ago
A Japanese music group named Ali Project came out with an album last year called “Counterfeiter.” The titular song is about grappling with what’s genuine and what’s imitated in art, beauty, and life. The song suggests that what we humans call “reality” is a sensory experience.