Watch Your Head by Cory Thomas for June 20, 2013

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    george  over 11 years ago

    LOVE panel 2. I actually once did something almost identical to what Corey is doing . . . only I was dating the girl I disowned.

    Bizarrely, she didn’t catch on and thought I was being silly. So I wound up going out with the other girl and actually married her.

    so, “Go Corey!”


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    george  over 11 years ago

    oh, yeah. forgot about that.

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    tegm  over 11 years ago

    People are completely oblivious to others’ feelings at that age; lots of emotional immaturity. The bit about Corey saying “she means nothing” right next to Robin is something I can relate to from when I was that age, both on my part and that of guys’ .

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