The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for July 08, 2013

  1. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  over 11 years ago

    Maybe she could grind up a coupla Viagra tabs in it as well. Woooeeee! Wouldn’t cost her anything at all. Just ask Verl to get some of the V-dust from Jerry’s pockets.

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

 Exactly what I was thinking!And not only talks, but apparently cooks, as well.

    I need one!Especially if it can keep itself full of cookies.

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    G’morning, Crustwoodians!Maybe if we ask nicely, the cookie jar will make us one of those special shakes, too.

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  4. Thumb 2ynh65d
    I have toenails on my fingers!  over 11 years ago


    Aren’t you embarrassed? Do you really think so little of your own work?

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago


    Poor baby

    Hope you don’t mind, but I’m also shipping you a gallon of our still-in-beta Dual-Action Peppermint Pepto Brain Bleach to try
no charge, as long as you’ll fill out a short survey next week to let us know how you liked it, and how well it worked..

    2Old is already on the beta testing team
 I think she enjoys it.

    Well, there was that small Turkey ‘N’ Dressing flavor fiasco.

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  6. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 11 years ago

    And on today’s episode of Guess Who’s Talking

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    HadYourPhil  over 11 years ago

    Guess there is no editing/quality control of the balloonage

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    finale  over 11 years ago

    We want accurate balloonage!!!!.(That’s what was said in the initial Viagra test group)

sorry Purple Sky.

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  9. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 11 years ago

 did the PENNY’S remodel 
. ? ? ? I don’t’ recognize the kitchen


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  10. Mirth mobile 1
    posstockhoarder  over 11 years ago

    Worse yet, the cookie jar is ANSWERING itself. Time for therapy
for Julie’s balloon issues!

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    imnormal  over 11 years ago

    I am surprised she doesn’t flavor it with Ovaltine, it is such a healthy choice

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  12. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 11 years ago

    Heat chocolate caramel syrup and add instant coffee crystals (not decaf).

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  13. Emerald
    margueritem  over 11 years ago

    Yes, Burl, in the other room, is in a big hurry for his energy drink. He doesn’t want to fall asleep while watching TV. I believe that he’s watching ‘Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo’

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  14. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    The balloons are no problem as long as I know to whom they belong (I’m used to THAT) but it does sound disgusting. I can totally overlook other activities of these people (as long as I don’t see any – as their swimming pool).

    @Gym shoe, I figured this is the opposite wall from our normal view, as the table and chairs (sans finials) are the same. And I think the find it is atop what appears to be a coffee maker.

    @Groomer, don’t disparage coffee crystals; I loved Taster’s Choice Hazelnut on some really good double vanilla ice cream (even better with a little Kahlua added) but the crunch is delightful.

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  15. Sluggofloating
    James Dawson  over 11 years ago

    I love this comic, but sheesh, it’s embarrassing how often the word balloon tails go the wrong way. When Julie screws up this way, you would think there would be an editor somewhere in the process who would catch the mistake and get it fixed before it’s published.

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  16. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Where do I buy a cookie jar like that. Does it say “come here little girl?” Oops, sorry!

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  17. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Thanks, Marg
. and
 credit for what?

 please feel free! Marg and I believe in Marg and Susan’s Super-Strength Ultra Brain Bleach for all!

    Whether I bring in some tablets or chews, or the regular liquid, they’re for everybody!

    And of course, you can find it all for sale in various fine Crustwood and Ballard Street establishments, or order your favorite flavors on a one-time or regular delivery basis through me or Marg.

    If you are a heavy user, your house can even be plumbed for pipeline delivery 
. we contract for this service with X-Tech Industries (XTI), and the work is provided by their fine technicians.

    Contrary to popular misconceptions, M&S SSUBB is NOT a mind-altering or addictive drug
. it will do NOTHING to harm your brain.

    In fact, by removing distressing or alarming distractions, it helps foster clear thinking.

    Right Marg?Um

. I wasn’t aware that anybody missed the fact that Burl was in another room
In any case, though
.it had nothing to do with Brain Bleach
. or with what was presumably Joy’s speech emanating from the cookie jar.

    Did you notice that?

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  18. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    As for the misdirected arrows
I tend to cut cartoonists a lot of slack.

    Don’t jump to conclusions about Julie being lazy or not caring about her readers.

    It might be that she works full time, or even has three jobs, and hasn’t much time for the Dinette Set
. most cartoonists don’t make much, and do comics as a sideline, unless they’re very famous, and in a LOT of papers, or don’t mind poverty.

    The arrows are probably not why papers drop the strip
. the panels are crowded, hard to decipher on the shrinking newspaper page, and the humor doesn’t appeal to everybody.

    Maybe Julie’s disabled or just can’t see well, so she misses details when she’s re-using panels

    Or maybe she simply finds it amusing, for some strange reason
 producing a strip like this kinda proves you don’t think like everybody else.

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  19. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    And yeah
 colorists can’t change any black lines
 syndicates do have people who check the strips
. though they have to cover a LOT of territory
. and all they can do is ask the cartoonist to fix it, IF there’s time.

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