Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 28, 2013
Mark: Wow... he hasn't aged a day! Hey, stranger! Chase: Wow, has he aged! Mark: While the rest of the world discusses gay marriage, this show likes to stay ahead of the curve... which is why I've invited my ex to join me today to discuss gay divorce! Welcome back, Chase. Chase: Thanks, Mark. Mark: Chase, when you and I split, gay marriage was still illegal, so you and I had no access to the courts... Chase: Correct. This is one of the overlooked arguments for gay marriage... Mark: Our right to the protections afforded by existing divorce law! Chase: Exactly, Mark, in fact... Mark: Including the equitable division of property, right? Chase: Uh... great ambush. Mark: Like, if you had four Persian carpets, your ex should get two! Only fair, right?
Newshound41 over 11 years ago
Yes, this “Doonesbury” is a rerun. Garry Trudeau is on hiatus, as he works on another project. New strips should return in September.
frogsandravens over 11 years ago
Appropriate, given what Alex was up to when last we saw her!
billydub over 11 years ago
First, why is Trudeau so cruel to Mark, with the snide comments about how he’s aged? And are we going to get reruns FOREVER. C’mon, he left us on a cliff-hanger. I feel manipulated.
LeoAutodidact over 11 years ago
And NOW the REAL reason for all the “Gay Marriage” hype rears it’s ugly head!
“Do you realize that if Ellen and Portia de Rosi break-up NO Lawyer is going to get ANY of their Money!?! How is THAT fair!”
I’ve often wondered how much of the money behind the “Gay Marriage” drive came from Attorneys looking to double the number of their paydays.
“Never before have so many, made so much, from the misery of their fellow Human Beings.”
sbchamp over 11 years ago
They won’t do any better than the straight 45% I’m bettin’
kaffekup over 11 years ago
A little hair dye works wonders. Except when it’s too obvious (Reagan-Romney, anyone)?
dummydick over 11 years ago
True words!
mistercatworks over 11 years ago
I heard a comedian say, “Half of all marriages end in divorce, which may sound bad… until you consider the alternative.”
potrerokid over 11 years ago
Jane Lynch ( Glee ) was recently in the news. She & her partner are divorcing!