New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for July 09, 2013

  1. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe  over 11 years ago

    " There’s a scene in the afterlife where Abby Hoffman’s punishment for his sins is that he has to tell Ayn Rand a joke, and she has to understand it and laugh, before he can move on."That’s HIlarious! So is your work. You’ve gained a fan.

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  2. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 11 years ago

    I have to confess NAOQV has moved up several places in my estimation. Can you go upstairs and check on Theresa, her flat has been quiet for quite awhile? You might want to wear gloves, and bring a witness.

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  3. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 11 years ago

    " I still contend if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear." Error




    Our Constitution has served this Republic and its citizens well for over two hundred years. Let us strive to protect it, and prevent it from being broken.Sincerely, JusSayin

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    the old professor  over 11 years ago

    “Nothing to hide, nothing to fear” is always trotted out by authoritarians to justify the erosion of individual liberty. It was the line used by Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover. It was used to justify the excesses of the Gestapo. It is used currently in North Korea as in “only bad citizens need to fear the State; if you are ‘good’ and obedient you will prosper.”

    I am not a doomsday paranoid waiting for the black helicopters to appear. But I am old enough to remember the concept of privacy, something that those born into the internet age are apparently unable to comprehend, and something that no longer exists except for a few eccentric hermits.

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    jadoo823  over 11 years ago

the nice thing about non- fanatics on either side (or any side, for that matter) is that they have no problem criticizing their own side, if they perceive possible wrongdoing (legal or moral)

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    Cloudster  over 11 years ago

    @The Old Professor

    Part of the problem is the willing surrender of privacy by people blurting out every little detail of their lives on Facebook et al. We’ve surrendered more private information via FB and store discount programs than the gov’t could ever imagine and we have a new generation of adults coming in who don’t see the least need for privacy. (I speak collectively: I don’t FB and blurt out every last detail of my life, although I have nothing to hide I don’t want every last detail in government hands without proper warrants).

    What I hate is the double-standard. If they’re allowed to snoop on us, then we absolutely should have total government transparency and be able to see everything the government does. Every congressman’s tax return and banking information should be open for all to see. And with the FISA courts being able to re-write the law with no review, that needs a great big spot light permanently on it.

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    pcolli  over 11 years ago

    You speak of equality
..I cannot believe that all people in the US have the same opportunities. In the UK we are not equal in that respect..It might be written that all people are created equal, but I’m sure many don’t find it so. In my country lots of people have “guarantee” of equality but it ain’t that way..It’s a failing of human nature that some people will always be “more equal than others”.

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  8. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 11 years ago

    If someone really is listening in on us, let’s have some fun with it. Tomorrow, everyone make a phone call or e-mail with the work “kumquat” in it, and let Big Brother get a headache trying to figure out what it means.

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