Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for October 24, 2013

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    george  over 11 years ago

    Tarzan: racist? At the very least he’s a d*ck to his prison buddies.

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    Old Comic Strip Lover  over 11 years ago

    Since they all look alike, they must be able to tell each other by scent. If he did recognize him by eyesight, he’s got great eyes since there is at least 20 yards separation between them and it’s also night time.

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    chuck_henebry  over 11 years ago

    This has got to be the funniest Tarzan strip in ages of serious melodrama. A meta-level joke about the way that mooks are drawn in the strip, capped by the act of naming Tarzan’s friend, “Dan Drone.”

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  4. Curly pres
    jmcx4  over 11 years ago

    Well, of course he knows you should be in jail. You just shouted the fact in P2. See that exclamation point? Oh, Quartemain, from yesterday: I’ve never been to Manila, but I know what you are talking about in Guam. The got the receipe about right in Lebanon, too.(WeLoveLadiesAgowa!)

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    Robert Bell Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I’m confused – is the guy Dan or Don? Or is he Don to his friends but Dan to his enemies?

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  6. Nancy pie hole
    hablano  over 11 years ago

    You white guys all look alike. At least to me… Oops.

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    profkatz  over 11 years ago

    Don Drone, Dan Dolin, Doofus Dumpster who cares? These lima beaned idiots are only after one thing….cold ca$h. Tarzan had best get steppin’ back to Queen Delilah before she recovers from her drunken stupor PO’d at being punked! This tale is going to play out for a long, long time! By now Jane has moved on, relocated to Los Angeles, and is learning to twerk and pole dance instructed by the “experts” Miley Cyrus and Jenna Jameson! :)> FemaleTroubleAllAroundAGowa!!

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  8. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 11 years ago

    mercenaries are from different countries, maybe the guy who said “Dan Drone” has a heavy accent, and Tarzan is one who pronounces correctly, as Don told him basically “my name is Don” on jail, when they met, and Tarzan is good in learning new languages and pronouncing correctly

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    profkatz  over 11 years ago

    I wouldn’t want to be around to pick up the pieces when fish-lipped Delilah throws her final hissy fit! :)> SSSSsssssAGowa!!

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    Tin Can Twidget  over 11 years ago

    This reminds me of a true WW2 incident. A buddy was a medic during WW2 who landed in Europe @ D+1. One night a noise was heard by the s entry (turned out it was a patrol sent out the previous day who didn’t have the new password). The sentry challanged and out of the darkness came the words, " Don’t shoot! There ain’t no black man in Mr. Hitler’s army!"

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