Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for September 10, 2013
Laptop reads: MUSIC CITY BEAT by FRITZI RITZ. "Steve Wariner's new album, 'IT AIN'T ALL BAD", is ALL GOOD! Wariner's guitar mastery, classic vocals, and song writing are all show-cased..." Nancy: She must have finished her music column today. She's got the same look I get when I finish my homework!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
She’s satisfied that she got er done…..
Wiseguy70005 over 11 years ago
Why is Nancy’s head so big in the last panel?
katina.cooper over 11 years ago
So, now we know where Fritzi gets her pay check. She’s a writer.
ColonelClaus over 11 years ago
Well folks, the strip is based in Nashville. Enjoy the ride. Steve Wariner is not one of my faves. Im more of An Outlaw/bluegrass fan. But Ifen it aint Country, it aint music!
kaffekup over 11 years ago
Thriller87, so you’re saying he can’t keep a job?