Boy: Dad, do you have a guaranteed contract at work like baseball players do? Man: No, but we do have a guaranteed two weeks, severance and a free escort to the door by a security guard. Boy: Wow, Dad. You need an agent. *Yessir, Mr. Client, sir.*
green8019 over 11 years ago
Kids, they’ll never know the real world until they go out into it. :/
punmeister over 11 years ago
But why should men who do real work get the same benefits as guys who play games?
J Short over 11 years ago
If you had quit wearing those pointed costume ears and dressing like Spock; you might still have a job.
Totalloser Premium Member over 11 years ago
there is no guarantee of Two Weeks severance. I have worked at many a place for over a year and did not receive any severance pay at all.
echoraven over 11 years ago
…better than I would get. : (
Jack Bell Premium Member over 11 years ago
Never got severance pay that I didn’t get at least a months pay. Of course there is a little difference in getting laid off and getting fired. Very little.