Hey, everyone! I wanted to let you know that we are putting together our first BEN treasury book!I’m hoping you guys can join us in our on-going KICKSTARTER campaign to make this happen. We launched it yesterday. Basically, it means pre-ordering the book over the next month, and if successful, we go to print!
Linda1259 over 11 years ago
Bad Granpa !!! Not funny!!
Scroogeman over 11 years ago
danielshelton over 11 years ago
It was an accident, I swear:)
Hey, everyone! I wanted to let you know that we are putting together our first BEN treasury book!I’m hoping you guys can join us in our on-going KICKSTARTER campaign to make this happen. We launched it yesterday. Basically, it means pre-ordering the book over the next month, and if successful, we go to print!
Thanks in advance!
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
Yes, bad Grandpa. But it sure made me laugh! lol
IQTech61 over 11 years ago
Right – because grandpa could not possibly know how much force to use to make the swing move without pushing the grandchild off of it. :: eye roll ::
Yes, the grandchild will learn to hang on tighter – and he will also learn not to trust grandpa.