Ben by Daniel Shelton for September 28, 2013

  1. Missing large
    Linda1259  over 11 years ago

    Bad Granpa !!! Not funny!!

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  2. Ha ha
    Scroogeman  over 11 years ago


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  3. Avatar daniel
    danielshelton  over 11 years ago

    It was an accident, I swear:)

    Hey, everyone! I wanted to let you know that we are putting together our first BEN treasury book!I’m hoping you guys can join us in our on-going KICKSTARTER campaign to make this happen. We launched it yesterday. Basically, it means pre-ordering the book over the next month, and if successful, we go to print!

    Thanks in advance!

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  4. 9 undersea 1024
    ncalifgirl58  over 11 years ago

    Yes, bad Grandpa. But it sure made me laugh! lol

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  5. Lucy2
    IQTech61  about 11 years ago

    Right – because grandpa could not possibly know how much force to use to make the swing move without pushing the grandchild off of it. :: eye roll ::

    Yes, the grandchild will learn to hang on tighter – and he will also learn not to trust grandpa.

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