Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 01, 1975

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    ootey  over 7 years ago
    I thought I’d throw in 3 jokes about pigs, since I couldn’t find the joke about a farmer and 3 hogs. 1) Q : Which Star Wars character was really a pig? A: Ham Solo 2) Q: What is a pig’s favorite color? A: MaHOGany 3) Q : What do you call a pig with no legs? A: A groundhog.
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    MatthewJHarris  over 3 years ago

    A farmer had three sows and wanted to breed them. He loaded them into the back of his pickup truck and took them to visit his neighbour’s stud boars.

    While the pigs were getting acquainted, the farmer asked the neighbour, “How will I know if my pigs are pregnant?”

    “That’s easy,” said the neighbour, “When it takes, they don’t wallow in the mud, they come out to roll on the grass."

    The next morning the farmer woke, looked out of the window and found his pigs still wallowing in the mud. So he loaded them back in the truck and took them to see the boars again.

    The following morning the pigs were still wallowing in the mud. Undaunted, the farmer once again loaded the pigs into the truck and took them back to the boars for the third time, hoping for some positive results.

    The following morning the farmer looked out and the sows weren’t wallowing in the mud anymore alright, but they weren’t rolling around on the grass anymore. He asked his wife if she’d seen them.

    The wife replied, “Two of them are sat in the back of the truck, and the other one’s blowing the horn.”

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    MrJamie51  8 months ago

    Snoopy should know he’s DOOMED, considering he had the effrontery to send Peppermint Patty a bill, despite her having every right to be awfully mad at him, which she’s taking him to COURT for! He better say his prayers.

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