Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 23, 1975
Sally announces, "Lunch time!" She sits on a bench and tells Linus, "Lots of room here, Sweetie.."<BR><BR> Sally asks, "Do you want a bite of my peanut butter sandwich, Linus?" Linus replies, "No, thank you.. I have my own.."<BR><BR> Sally says, "It's nice having lunch together, isn't it?" Linus replies, "We're not having lunch together... We're just sitting on the bench."<BR><BR> Sally asks, "What are those boys playing?" Linus replies, "Soccer.. the idea is to kick the ball down the field, and.."<BR><BR> A soccer ball knocks Linus.<BR><BR> Linus lies on the ground. Sally asks, "Are you hurt, Linus? Are you hurt?" Linus remarks, "Good grief!"<BR><BR> Sally holds Linus and says, "Poor sweet baby!" She kisses him.<BR><BR> Linus walks away.<BR><BR> Linus tells an adult, "I'd like to see the schol nurse, please... I got hit by a soccer ball! No, my head is all right."<BR><BR> Linus say, "It was the kiss.. I've got peanut butter in my eyes!"<BR><BR>
dsukenick over 11 years ago
This is the only time Sally kisses Linus.
rogervln about 11 years ago
1959 10 25
Best Commenter Ever almost 4 years ago
Daeder about 3 years ago
Do you promise you’re alright, Linus?
Cross your heart and hope to die?
Peanut butter in your eye?
Avatar??? about 2 years ago
Soccer ball to the face, Scott Sterling would be proud