Man: Don't take everything so seriously, Brutus! Man: You should be able to laugh at yourself... Man: After all, everyone else is!
Perhaps more truth than you know.In this case, it is a GOOD thing.[Thanks, Chip]
Laugh at yourself first – then everyone else is laughing with you. 8^)
“No one sez that about you as far as you know…” -Ty Webb
Brutus, throw water in his face!
Even better!
May 08, 2015
FUNG1 over 11 years ago
Perhaps more truth than you know.In this case, it is a GOOD thing.[Thanks, Chip]
1MadHat over 11 years ago
Laugh at yourself first – then everyone else is laughing with you. 8^)
sbchamp over 11 years ago
“No one sez that about you as far as you know…” -Ty Webb
Lyons Group, Inc. over 11 years ago
Brutus, throw water in his face!
Lyons Group, Inc. over 11 years ago
Even better!