Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for September 24, 2013
Poncho: Poo Poo is covered in tar! We gotta find him! Boomer: Well that's not hard… Boomer: All we gotta do is follow these tracks! Poncho: Ha! What a breeze! Boomer: Ever notice how when you laugh and say something is easy it immediately goes awry? Poncho: I have noticed that, yes.
Templo S.U.D. over 11 years ago
So which one is Spartacus… I mean Poopoo?
Destiny23 over 11 years ago
The one time a dog can’t identify another dog by scent!
pcolli over 11 years ago
Tarred by the same brush.
Bandera_Ken over 11 years ago
Group Hug!