She covered all bases.
Good morning, LB.
What makes her awesome?
MARG! Behave yourself this weekend.
And she’s expressing her opinion. Possibly not held by many.
I’d tell Broomie I agree with her, except that she won’t let me.
Here is another vote for awesome . . . go, Broomie, go . . . I’m with you all the way!
Yikes! I didn’t think there were any more like my nieces. Shy is a four letter word… :-)
Awesome is as awesome does.
margueritem over 11 years ago
She covered all bases.
Good morning, LB.
Llewellenbruce over 11 years ago
What makes her awesome?
MARG! Behave yourself this weekend.
johnt204 over 11 years ago
And she’s expressing her opinion. Possibly not held by many.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
I’d tell Broomie I agree with her, except that she won’t let me.
Linda1259 over 11 years ago
Here is another vote for awesome . . . go, Broomie, go . . . I’m with you all the way!
dzw3030 over 11 years ago
Yikes! I didn’t think there were any more like my nieces. Shy is a four letter word… :-)
davidpollock over 11 years ago
Awesome is as awesome does.