Red and Rover by Brian Basset for September 24, 2013
September 23, 2013
September 25, 2013
Rover: He was here.
Red: Just who can this mystery pup be?!
Rover: And here.
Red: How is it we've never seen him, yet this little guy seems to go all over the neighborhood completely unnoticed?!
Rover: And here, too!
Catfeet Premium Member over 11 years ago
The mystery pup must be a space alien…from Pluto, maybe?
Agent54 over 11 years ago
My 5 lb Maltese can pee every 10 feet. Her bladder hold more fluid than mine it appears.
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
one drop marks the spot.
KEA over 11 years ago
This reminds me of WInnie the Pooh and the hunt for the heffalumps
AndiJ over 11 years ago
Rover’s just sniffing the spots? Not my dog. :P