There’s already more adolescent kids trick-or-treating than there are pre-teens now-a-days. It’s the “WE CAN GET FREE STUFF” night! And they don’t even wait till dusk, they start in late afternoon!
reminds me of the scene in American Graffitti when the kid is trying to buy beer and starts asking for a lot of things behind the counter and ends with the booze — it worked better for Dean.
llong65 over 11 years ago
RUN he’s caught on to you
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Needz to try that one…
imbaldeagle over 11 years ago
When’s Jen gonna get there?
Radical-Knight over 11 years ago
There’s already more adolescent kids trick-or-treating than there are pre-teens now-a-days. It’s the “WE CAN GET FREE STUFF” night! And they don’t even wait till dusk, they start in late afternoon!
mike scott over 11 years ago
when I took my kids trick or treating, I almost always ended up half bombed from the beers i got “slipped” to me by the neighbors.
patlaborvi over 11 years ago
reminds me of the scene in American Graffitti when the kid is trying to buy beer and starts asking for a lot of things behind the counter and ends with the booze — it worked better for Dean.