Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 07, 2013

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    knuckler49  over 11 years ago

    My thought exactly about the junior Senator from Texas (my home state), Ted …

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    rhtatro  over 11 years ago

    He seems to be doing everything possible to fail to win re-election.

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    Potrzebie  over 11 years ago

    Fubijar, what are your sources?

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    catzilla23  over 11 years ago

    Yah, just because it’s in the news and congressional record doesn’t make it fact. It’s not fact till Jay Carney says it in a press briefing.

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    JusSayin  over 11 years ago

    fbjsr: You really need to read The Constitution of The United States. It is the responsibility of thee House of Representatives to submit a budget to the U S Senate, and they must agree on a budget before the President of the United States can accept it or veto it. There are three equal branches of the USA government. The Executive Branch, headed by the President, the Judicial Branch, and the Legislative Branch, composed of Senate and the House of Representatives. According to the Constitution, the Senate is Superior to the House but it requires both bodies of Congress to be Equal to the President or the Supreme Court.The fact the Senate is the superior body, is indicated in the Constitution, where the President has authority to conduct foreign policy and make treaties with the advice and consent of the U S A Senate. The House of Representatives have no constitutional authority to engage in foreign affairs, and Nancy Pelosi continued a tradition of power grabbing by ordering a fleet of Gulfstream jets to conduct foreign junkets by the House of Representatives. How much money could the country save if the House followed the Constitution and kept away from foreign policy? The Republicans own this mess. It is irresponsible, and possibly illegal, to hold the government hostage to try and defund established law, upheld by a majority conservative Supreme Cout. Last night, Boehner said the first sensible thing he has said in weeks, by saying he would not make a deal without budget cuts. Well, he is Speaker of the House, and Constitutionally it is the House of Representatives’ responsibility to pass a budget the grown-ups in the Senate can accept, and after back and forth come to an agreement the President can consider. When the President and Senate submit budget requests, they are only guidance for the House to understand what the other participants want.I knew Reagan. I helped get him elected and went to Washington DC with his people. Reagan was not the man the current myth makes him to be, and would vehemently oppose the actions of the Tea Party Poopheads. Reagan was the great compromiser and had excellent spin control. If you check the facts, Reagan’s actions were more liberal than Bill Clinton’s actions, except for the wild sex. Wild sex is the purview of the National Republican Support Staff, and National Democratic Support Staff are a bit stuffy about more creative types of extramarital sex. Clinton was more Republican than Reagan when it came to wild sex.With Eyes Wide Open, JusSayinPS: Turn off all media, and look for truth yourself. Do not accept anyone’s, mine included, statements without checking independent, non partisan sources. I receive many, ostensibly unrelated publications, and there seems to be certain themes each side wants me to look at and support or oppose.

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    rhtatro  over 11 years ago

    I just believe the voters are fed up, even in the ultra red districts. And I am a republican, just not so extreme.

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