You know, THERE IS a Dr. Guthrie at the very real Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. He is enlisted as “Acting Research Leader” “Conducting research to improve liquid and frozen storage of swine and striped bass spermatozoa (a research most fit for Dean)”. in this document from January 2009:
radams36 over 11 years ago
Good gosh – is it necessary this strip be in 4 point type? I couldn’t even read parts of it with reading glasses (which I don’t even normally need).
radams36 over 11 years ago
And this ain’t the first time, either.
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Try that with Brandy, pigboy!
sbchamp over 11 years ago
And to think I never used the comment function for several years. Ah, the innocence lost…
ChrisV over 11 years ago
Am I the only geek here that recognized Dr. Sivana from the Captain Marvel comic in panel 3, hence his “SHAZAM!” comment?
patlaborvi over 11 years ago
is it just me or does that female assistant look a lot like Jen?
Garfield El Peregrino over 11 years ago
You know, THERE IS a Dr. Guthrie at the very real Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. He is enlisted as “Acting Research Leader” “Conducting research to improve liquid and frozen storage of swine and striped bass spermatozoa (a research most fit for Dean)”. in this document from January 2009:
Maybe he did volunteered to appear in this strip?