Oh, THERE’s Boog! I guess the trip that he and Rover made to see Gretchen, Slim, Clovia, and Marmanduke back in July was just a quick drop in for a cup of coffee.
Glad to see the GA kids now and then and how they are growing up. Chip’s kids should be in college now I think or has Jim kept them in elementary school?
MJ Premium Member over 11 years ago
Oh, THERE’s Boog! I guess the trip that he and Rover made to see Gretchen, Slim, Clovia, and Marmanduke back in July was just a quick drop in for a cup of coffee.
436rge over 11 years ago
Glad to see the GA kids now and then and how they are growing up. Chip’s kids should be in college now I think or has Jim kept them in elementary school?
kab2rb over 11 years ago
Good thing principal not around my daughter when little and then best friend. Very irritating they have a burping contest to see who burp the loudest.
ransomdstone over 11 years ago
Amen to that!
ransomdstone over 11 years ago
It shows up stuffed shirts as human after all. That is, and should be, entertaining and educational.
JP Steve Premium Member over 11 years ago
On his album, “Class Clown,” George Carlin claimed that he could belch the entire alphabet.
So could Hammy the squirrel.
Rod Gonzalez over 11 years ago
Hammy the Squirrel is from “Over the Hedge”
Willow Mt Lyon over 11 years ago
Great Sunday page! I love the kids, but what is with the pig? If he was added for extra intertainment, he succeeded.