Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for October 21, 2013
Tom Stilwell =, 20, from England, fell 13 floors from a balcony in Auckland, New Zealand, in June 2013 and despite breaking several bones, survived to tell the tale! Blue whales can hear each other over distances of 100 miles, but it's believed they used to communicate over 1000 miles before human noise pollution increased in recent decades. At the Festival of the Dead Rats, held annually in El Puig, Spain, attendees hit a cucana- a type of- filled with dead rats, and then throw the rats at each other!
rf_eq over 11 years ago
nothing says fun like getting hit in the face with a dead rat
Linda1259 over 11 years ago
Another reason not to visit Spain – the running of the bulls, the bull fights, and the slinging of the rats. I really would like to go there and see the best that Spain has to offer, but rat slinging really was the last straw . . . maybe I’ll visit Portugal if they do not have the same fun sports as Spain.
francisrossi over 11 years ago
Take your biased rants elsewhere. This isn’t the place.
Tuner38 over 11 years ago
Nothing biased about observation of facts.
RedSamRackham over 11 years ago
Tossing dead rats is a fun festival?!?!?!? Well, we are talking about a country where running in the street with stampeding bulls is considered the neat thing to do.
CUNTHFUNYPAGS over 11 years ago
I wonder just how much money was wasted on finding out that all important fact about the blue whale…maybe it just going deaf from old age…poor thing. Another soap box for tree huggers and pointless studies.
Burnout70s over 11 years ago
was wondering when a TROLL would show up and spew his junk on a COMIC page. Get a life
Burnout70s over 11 years ago
He is a TROLL like all of the TEA BAG PARTY LOL
Burnout70s over 11 years ago
Ha love it!
Squirrelchaser over 11 years ago
How much you want to bet Tim Stilwell was just a bit intoxicated when he fell off that balcony?
Red_Fez over 11 years ago
YEAH!… don’t you know you can only attack Bush, Palin, Gingrich et al to get any praise around here.
AmyGrantfan51774 over 11 years ago
please is not needed or required it’s annoying like politics in the comics the New England Patriots and Eminem
AmyGrantfan51774 over 11 years ago
wow Tom Stilwell fell thirteen floors and lived to tell about it!!!!!!!
AmyGrantfan51774 over 11 years ago
wonder what bones Tom broke when he fell?!!!!!!!!
jack fairbanks over 11 years ago
and they wonder why they had a fly named after them…