OK! OK! Our timing's off! So, you need to turn and look for the ball sooner.
Does that count as a reception?
Typical quarterback excuse – it’s always the receiver’s fault.
I don’t think you could say he has control of the ball. Still, if the ball hasn’t hit the ground, it is still a live ball.
hit him right between the numbers?
A “bullet” in the back should be worth at least some points…?
Good thing the pass wasn’t lower…The might have lost the ball…
Allen Rymer over 11 years ago
Does that count as a reception?
finkd over 11 years ago
Typical quarterback excuse – it’s always the receiver’s fault.
stlmaddog5 over 11 years ago
I don’t think you could say he has control of the ball. Still, if the ball hasn’t hit the ground, it is still a live ball.
Meek1960 over 11 years ago
hit him right between the numbers?
yimhere over 11 years ago
A “bullet” in the back should be worth at least some points…?
jtviper7 over 11 years ago
Good thing the pass wasn’t lower…The might have lost the ball…